30 Rock's “When it rains, it pours” theory. As a 30 Rock fan, I'm happy to see that Tina Fey's character, Liz Lemon, is finally evolving out of her one-dimensional, single, sad sack-ness. In last week's episode, Lemon's relationship with Matt Damon was going strong, and all sorts of men were suddenly finding her irresistible (which she exploited by wearing an unfortunate cowboy hat). The theory behind the episode? When it rains, it pours. (TresSugar actually ran an entire post exploring the topic.)
Remember how Jack wrote that more women flirt with him when he wears his wedding ring? I totally believe that happens to other men, but I'm not convinced that it's the same for women. For one thing, I don't think men even notice details like whether we are wearing wedding rings or not. But it's hard to say for sure. I've always been someone who gets...how do I put this? A lot of street "feedback," but do I get more now than I did when I was single? No way! Still, my gut says that age could be a mitigating factor here. Hey, it's been a while since I was footloose and fancy-free (translation: I am old). So ladies, what about you? Do you get more attention from men now than when you were single?