I know you don’t want to hear this, but newlyweds are cheating. The numbers are gnarly; 15 percent of women and 12 percent of men under the age of 35 reported cheating within their first year of marriage! The worst part: Since these stats came from people who admitted it, relationship therapist Dr. Bonnie Eaker said she suspects the real number is more than half. Don’t believe me? Check out this clip from CBS News.
Although Eaker’s estimate is interesting, I'm not sure I agree. I know a ton of couples who've made the long walk down the big white aisle, and while, sadly, many haven't made it past the three-year mark, I can only think of one where infidelity was a factor. I guess the real question is, why does anyone cheat within the so-called honeymoon phase? My guess is that these are people who just can't come to terms with what real marriage is. In short: not a perfect paradise full of roses and gumdrops and sexy-twinkly lighting 24/7. Eaker says (this I actually do agree with) that infidelity is not really a decision, but monogamy is. I have long maintained that at some point in their lives, every person will come to a place where they will have to actually work to stay faithful. Something will happen where it will be easier and less of a "choice" to cheat, and you'll have to choose to protect your relationship.
But I'm no expert -- after all, we made it through the first year unscathed. What about you guys? Did you (or someone you're close to) cheat during year one? What happened?