Sure, Jerry Seinfeld seems like a smart, funny guy. And his new reality show about couples bickering will probably be entertaining. But I, for one, will not be watching -- and here's why: A few years ago, a couple that we were close with decided to split up. Holly and I found ourselves having one argument after another about who was right and who was wrong. "But he did this to her!" "But she did this to him!" "But how do you think that made her feel?"
My point is, it's pretty hard (at least for us) to watch couples arguing without somehow projecting ourselves onto them. We tend to empathize too much and internalize other people's experiences -- even when they have absolutely nothing to do with us. The idea that I might accidentally get caught up in an argument about some other guy (not even me) incorrectly loading the dishwasher makes me want to cancel the cable and move to an off-the-grid cabin in Montana.
Holly says this is just another case of me being "Scrooge-y" when it comes to reality TV. What do you think?