Every year, along with various and sundry cutesy crap, Jack's parents give us a check for Christmas, and a quick look at TheNest.com boards tells me we're not alone. It's one of those things that, on the one hand, makes us really happy. I mean, what would we rather receive than cash? Pretty much nothing, if you must know. But on the other hand, it makes us feel a little bit like Mr. and Mrs. Big, Fat Baby. It's just that we are...well, oldish. Oldish enough that we start to wonder if we’re getting too oldish for this. This feeling is particularly bad in those years when we're forced to use the money for not-so-sexy things, such as medical bills or heat. There's just something very still-in-college-and-heavily-parent-subsidized-feeling about it. Whereas, if we used the money to buy, say, a Nintendo Wii, we'd...oh no, wait, wait, bad example.
Okay, so maybe getting a check from Mommy and Daddy will always make us feel a teensy bit juvenile, but you know what? Not enough to cancel out the awesomeness of receiving the check.
Did you guys get cash for X-mas? If so, what are you doing with it?