I just found the blog, Simple Marriage, and read this great entry about creating an intentional marriage. Personally, I found the advice to be fantastic but pretty overwhelming. I tend to need tips broken down into bite-size, digestible pieces before I can really make use of them. So for me, the takeaway was question #1. Would you like to be married to you? Luckily, I think I can confidently say, "Um, yeah?" But, brutal honesty time? Not always. I've told you about my sweat-pants-wearing, rat's-nest-hairdo appearance when I'm on deadline (and, thanks, the lectures were super-helpful). I've also told you about my horrible habit of interrupting Jack. So you get that I'm a total mixed bag. But hey, who wants to be with someone who's a 100-percent non-pain-in-the-ass, right? Am I right?
Okay, so this post helps remind me that being funny and reasonably cute doesn't automatically make up for the times when I cut off all of Jack's sentences or sit hunched over my laptop for days on end looking like a homeless troll doll. In the day, in the moment, I need to stop and ask, "Would I want to be married to me right now?"
‘Scuse me while I go fix my hair.
PS Gulp. How would you answer the question?