Here's the deal: I'm just not that celebrity-crazed. To be honest, I've never really had a celebrity crush. Brad. Pit. Does. Nothing. For. Me. There, I think I've made my point.
But here's the weird thing. I was looking at these shots of celebrity couples on the red carpet at the Golden Globes and I realized...I have a huge crush on Amy Poehler and Will Arnett. I want their marriage (which I, by the way, know nothing about), I want their careers, I want to be them!
First, I should disclose that Poehler is my comedy idol. She created the Upright Citizens Brigade for one thing. And to me, pretty much everything she does is golden (warning: if you hated the first season of Parks and Recreation, hush your mouth!). But seriously, give it another shot because it's way funnier this year.
As for Arnett, I still watch my Arrested Development DVDs regularly (he was so brilliant as GOB), and I love it when he guests on 30 Rock. Sigh. I wonder if I can get a poster of the two of them to put on my bedroom wall so that I can gaze at it, while obsessively applying lip gloss and writing our names in loopy cursive in my notebook. Holly Poehler Arnett, Holly Arnett Poehler...
What about you (please dork out with me)? Have you ever looked at a celeb couple and found yourself crushing?