To date, I've avoided talking about the Tiger Woods debacle because...well, what is there to say that hasn't already been said? As I wife, I can't imagine how I'd deal with the (now) mountain of evidence of pretty much constant infidelity. Nor can I imagine being married to someone who is cheating that much and not knowing that something was way, way off. Today, Woods publicly apologized -- and everyone was dying to hear what he'd have to say. I, for one, doubted he'd say anything juicy (and he didn't). So here are my questions: 1. Do you think sexual addiction is a real thing? (PS: I do).
2. Do you think that these celebrity guys (David Duchovny, Woods, that idiot who was married to Halle Berry) who plead sex addiction and do a quick 30 in rehab are just looking to slap a Band-Aid on the situation and get people off their backs? Or are they serious about changing?
I know none of us can read minds -- I'm just asking what your gut instinct is. Discuss.