The New York Times article titled “Spitzer’s Long Road to Redemption,” said Eliot Spitzer is making baby steps toward resuming his prescandal life. Maybe it’s because he didn’t proclaim himself a sex addict and do a well-publicized stint in rehab, but Spitzer just doesn’t bug me as much as other public cheaters. His words, from the article: “The only thing I can try to do is contribute in a small way and not in a way that is designed to get forgiveness,” he said. “That would be too transactional: ‘I’m doing X, now you will forgive me.’ I don’t think it can or should work that way.”
Bravo, Spitz.
Anyway, I know you are probably as worn out by all this cheating nonsense as I am. So how about a quick review before we move on. What have we learned? Answer: That almost anyone, if given the perfect combo of the following, will cheat:
A. Free time -- stretches during which no one knows where he is or what he’s doing
B. Power -- either money, fame or (the worst) both
C. Access -- via the number of a call girl or the advances of beautiful woman
So what can be done? First, let’s assume that these men actually love their wives, but are just (for lack of a better word) too weak to resist the powerful triangle that is a+b+c. How can infidelity be prevented? My take: We need to get over the idea that spouses can be apart for weeks (or months) at a time and that everything will be alright, because that plan seems to have worked out approximately zero times.
Now your turn -- what else have we learned, people? What else can be done to stave off cheating?