Access Hollywood announced that Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller are calling it quits. "Oh, those guys weren't divorced yet?" said the world. We all know couples like this -- where everyone, I mean everyone, knows the relationship is doomed (except, of course, the couple). Sure, Charlie Sheen dropped more doom clues than most soon-to-be former husbands, (allegedly) holding Mueller at knifepoint — hello! But I'm sure the couples you've known did other things that were pretty easy to spot. I'm imagining the ones I know who fit this description. They did things like fight in front of absolutely anyone, talk to each other in horrible bitchy voices nearly all of the time, and look for excuses to spend time apart. I'm sure I'm not remembering all of the other indicators, so feel free to chime in. Think of the headed-for-divorce couples you've come across. What did they do that made you mentally put them in this category?