Science Daily just ran a great story about two studies exploring the relationship between shyness and successful relationships. The studies found that shy people report higher levels of marital unhappiness and more frequent problems with issues like jealousy, money, and household management. To me, these findings aren’t terribly surprising. I say this because I think the word “shy” means someone who has a hard time standing up for him/herself -- a person who struggles to express his/her honest needs, wants, likes, and dislikes. In other words, a person who has a hard time being rigorously honest with their partner. Man! That’s a tough personality type to have when it comes to making marriage work. A great marriage hinges so much on whether or not the couple can truly communicate -- something that’s difficult (or even impossible) for a deeply shy person to do. Obviously, shyness is not one of my problems (though God knows I’ve got a zillion others). But have any of you struggled with this? Was it hard for you to ask for and get what you really needed in a relationship?