Glo has an interesting interview up with marriage and family therapist Shannon Fox and divorce attorney Celeste Liversidge, authors of the book, Last One Down The Aisle Wins. Both writers have seen enough from their respective jobs to know what the hell they’re talking about. The short version: Women in their 20s would be better off if they’d spend their time and energy working on themselves and wait until their 30s to get married. I don’t know if the book itself addresses men too, but the interview mostly focused on women. I get it -- women feel way more pressure to get hitched. Holly and I waited seven years to get engaged, and while (for the most part) we felt it was right on time, we both got a lot of external pressure to hurry the hell up. Okay, Holly got way more. That’s why I’m psyched to hear about this book. I think it will really help some chick who’s thinking, “What’s wrong with me that I’m not married yet?” Slow down girl. Order the book on Amazon and cool out. You’re moving at just the right speed.
What do you guys think?