This post on community boards really made me laugh. The poster is clearly in a long-standing feud with her neighbor over the property line. Apparently, the "bad" neighbor keeps trying to plant things on the poster's side of the property line and hilarity/insanity ensues. This is the sort of petty BS that drives people to commit homicidal acts. But to her credit, the poster knows she's getting a rush from the silly drama of it all. Personally, neither Jack nor I are embroiled in any neighbor drama (mostly because our current neighbors are dreamy). But our next door neighbor (neighbor A) hates the neighbor on the other side of his house (neighbor B) because neighbor B once mowed a line diagonally across neighbor A's yard. I guess he was too lazy and self-absorbed to either turn off the mower before walking it to his truck or walk around neighbor A's yard. Can you imagine?
Anyway, do you currently, or have you ever, had a neighbor feud?