What happens when two married parenting bloggers split up? In the case of Moxie of “AskMoxie” and LOD of “LaidOffDad”, they blog about it. The two coauthors of the blog, “When the Flames Go Up,” say that they decided to write about their experiences when they were unable to find anyone else talking about divorce and coparenting that wasn't "legal, logistical, or filled with rage." Since starting the blog, the duo has been profiled by The New York Times and others, getting lots of furious comments each time. In general, people seem offended by the fact that they are writing about what they are going through. But to me, since it appears to be in the spirit of healing, helping others, and doing right by their children, I see no harm. I mean, to me, blogging is not exactly reality TV.
Do you agree? Or do you think this is just as harmful to the kiddos as say, John and Kate Plus 8?