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Mother Nature's Superfood: Whole Grains
777Date: Sunday, 24 Oct 2010, 13.09 | Message # 1
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I'm always amazed at the intelligence of Mother Nature, especially when it comes to packaging. The example I think of most often is the apple -- sweet, crunchy and a good source of fiber and vitamin C. With the apple, Mother Nature created the perfect portable snack. As much as we may try, I'm not sure anyone will ever be able to beat her when it comes to creating packaged foods. The same can be said for grains - they're neatly packaged combinations of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and other phytonutrients we're just beginning to understand. Whole grains exist in a wide range of tastes and textures for us to enjoy.

So what's the pretty package for whole grains all about? Well, at its most basic level, a whole grain consists of three components: bran, endosperm and germ. Each of these layers holds some very special attributes:

Bran (the outermost component of a grain) provides fiber, B vitamins and great texture and taste.

Endosperm (the middle of a grain) holds the bulk of the phytonutrients. Essential amino acids contained in this part help to form a vegetarian protein source and work with fiber to boost nutritional density.

Germ (the center of a grain) contains fat and fat-soluble antioxidants such as vitamin E, and is the yummiest of the three grain components.

For a variety of reasons, whole grains have fallen out of favor through the years, and are often replaced by more processed, refined grains. This is unfortunate because refined grains contain only the endosperm and lack some of Mother Nature's best work!

It's only natural that different grains have different nutritional benefits, tastes and textures. And by combining them, you can create a synergistic effect -- for example, bringing together the unique amino acid profiles from a variety of grains to create a better-rounded vegetarian protein source. Here are but a few of the many grains to be enjoyed:

Barley has a nutty flavor and is a good source of heart-healthy soluble fiber.

Buckwheat isn't actually wheat but a seed, and contains high levels of an antioxidant called rutin.

Hard red wheat has higher amino acid levels (protein-building blocks) than its softer versions and is a beautiful red color, as its name suggests.

Brown rice has a delicate flavor and is hypoallergenic and gluten-free.

Rye, a good fiber source, has a distinct, earthy flavor.

Oats, a super-grain, have soluble fiber and a smooth and sweet flavor.

Triticale, a natural hybrid made from wheat and rye, is a grain bred for hardiness and is naturally disease-resistant.

Whole grains pack a powerful health punch
Whole grains are a staple of the world's diet, and for this reason it should come as no surprise that there's a lot of research out there supporting their health benefits. From balancing blood sugar to lowering cholesterol and maintaining a healthy weight, whole grains have been shown to play an important supporting role in any healthy diet plan.

Whole grains and a healthy heart
The link between high cholesterol and heart disease is a well-known fact. But did you know that whole grains, specifically the soluble fiber found in certain whole grains such as oats, have been shown in multiple studies to reduce cholesterol levels in the body? It's true. And by deriving a steady supply of soluble fiber from whole grains you can take an active role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Whole grains and blood-sugar balance
Whenever we eat, the amount of glucose, or blood sugar, in our body increases. This increase signals the body to jump into action, either using this energy source right away or storing it in our cells for use later when we need it. When we eat a diet full of simple sugars (think soda, candy and refined grains), the sugar in our food enters our bloodstream quickly, causing sugar "spikes." Over time, these spikes can be taxing on your body, which may not be able to respond as well as it used to, leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

Because whole grains are complex carbohydrates and naturally contain fiber, they cannot be broken down and absorbed as quickly as simple sugars or refined grains. This means the increase in blood sugar happens more slowly, putting less stress on the body and giving it more time to respond. A slow release of sugar into the bloodstream also means a more stable release of energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Whole grains and weight management
Whole grains are certainly not at the top of the list of any fad diets these days, but while they may not be the latest and greatest when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, they should not be overlooked. Packed with nutrition in the form of vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and fiber, whole grains contain some of the best elements to keep you on track when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. Research supports the notion that people who eat foods naturally high in fiber tend to weigh less. How lucky for us that there are so many whole grains to choose from.

Whole grains taste good!
Last, but certainly not least, the fantastic taste of whole grains deserves some attention. The sweet smell of brown rice when you first lift the top of the pot and the nutty aroma of quinoa browning on the stove are so different and yet so fantastic! Just like the diversity in tastes when it comes to apples, grains have just as many tastes to savor and explore, proving that, once again, Mother Nature has triumphed. Whether due to where they originate on the globe or the time of year in which they grow, grains are created with their own unique flavor profiles and can be combined with other ingredients to create a really amazing meal.

Dr. Keegan Sheridan is a licensed naturopathic physician and Kashi's natural food and lifestyle expert. Her mission at Kashi is to be a megaphone for the benefits of a natural, healthy lifestyle.

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