Added by: 777
Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010, 05.51
The following is a list of jobs with little in common. Annual salaries for these jobs range from just over $18,000 to more than $110,000. Some don't require workers to graduate from high school, while others require a master's degree or higher. The reason they all appear here? They are the most popular jobs in America. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the following 15 jobs account for more than 25 percent of total U.S. employment. For comparison purposes, the largest job retail sales employs 4.21 million people, or 3.2 percent of the total American work force. By contrast, a mere 660 people are employed as prosthodontists, 1,170 as geographers and 870 as radio operators nationally. So what are these mega-professions that employ so many people? According to the BLS, the following jobs are America's most popular: 1. Retail salespeople: Per
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