I hate slow-moving crowds, have never, ever pined for a huge TV, and couldn't identify 2009's must-have holiday toy if my life depended on it. So it shouldn't surprise you to learn that, until last week, I'd never participated in a single Black Friday sale. But this year, Jack and I jumped into the fray. And we weren't alone. According to the early numbers, and a handful of Nesties, enough people returned to stores that American retailers may finally have reason to be optimistic. Now I'm not saying that we lined up at 4:30 a.m. and got into a hair-pulling match with a random grandma over the last 60-inch plasma. We're no black belts. After all, this was our very first year. But I will say that Jack and I did our part as good, old-fashioned consumers, plunking down the dough for a brand new washer and dryer. I know! SO exciting. Wait. Is it horribly dorky to be this excited about laundry? Never mind, don't answer that.
This is our first new W/D set ever, and we probably would have waited another month or so, but the deal was just too awesome to pass up. So long, dirty Laundromat. I will not miss listening to one-sided cell phone love spats screamed over the din of multiple off-balance dryers. So long, nasty fluff-n-fold. I will not miss having all of Jack's American Apparel tees stolen out of our laundry bag.
So long (sniffle), so long...
What about you guys? Who Black Friday'ed it? Was it mellow or a madhouse? What did you score?