Don't ask me how it works, but a best man claims to have rigged the bed of a newly married couple so that it tweets when they do the deed. Though the jury is still out on whether it's real, the Twitter feed spits out such choice details as weight (?), duration, and where each particular session scores on the "frenzy index."
Sure, the prank is a little frat-tastic for my taste, but I'll admit, I think it's really funny. The whole rating system got me thinking about what actually constitutes great sex. (Stay with me people.)
Here's the deal: Some of the best sex Jack and I have had would rate pretty dismally according to these criteria. We are talking non-marathon duration, low on the frenzy index (I'm thinking that's a sound thing), and out-of-bed sessions -- so they wouldn't even count. I'm not dissing long-lasting lovin' or a good, old-fashioned, frenzied shagfest (yes, we have those too). I'm just saying that there are lots of yummy flavors of ice cream out there, don’t ya know. What about you? Do you have any funny or counterintuitive criteria for judging a great sesh?