We all know that married couple who French-kiss good-bye at brunch, an exchange that lasts about 10 seconds longer than anyone's gag reflex can bear. On the flip side, we all know that couple who nobody's ever seen so much as graze arms in passing. So I'm asking: How comfortable are you guys with PDA's?
I can tell you right now that Jack, an all-around private dude, is not crazy-comfy with them. He's cool with a quick kiss and hug, but I can't imagine him trying to take it any further than that. I guess Jack and I see eye-to-eye on this one. For example: I've never tried to dry-hump his leg at a restaurant (something I've witnessed multiple times in broad daylight).
But what makes Jack far, far squirmier than public displays of affection? I'll tell ya: public displays of anger. He simply can’t deal with having an argument on the street, even if it's super-casual and no voices are raised. I get where he's coming from. I absolutely hate listening to other people's dirty laundry being aired out on the sidewalk when I'm trying to mind my own business. But Jack is way more anti-public arguing than I am. He's like zero tolerance. He will literally stop talking if we’re bickering and anyone else is around. Either that, or he'll start whispering, which is doubly insane, considering how loud the streets of NYC are. I guess he just thinks it's terribly undignified (which, I must admit, is true), so I try to honor it, even though I think it's kind of silly. What makes you more uncomfortable, public displays of affection or public displays of anger?