For years, I've been reading articles warning against the dangers of a wife making more dough than her husband. I guess the prevailing wisdom is that it emasculates him and leads to divorce. I get it. But just because I get it doesn't mean it doesn't totally bug me. First of all, I feel like it's hard enough to earn a living (confession: My income and Jack's are neck and neck) without worrying about whether or not I'm making too much. Second, I know a lot of women who make a lot (like a LOT, lot) of money, and hate that they’re always getting the message that they'll have to atone for their success in the relationship department.
So I was pretty jazzed to read this story in The New York Times giving marriages in which the woman is the primary bread winner, a pretty healthy prognosis: "While the changing economic roles of husbands and wives may take some getting used to, the shift has had a surprising effect on marital stability. Overall, the evidence shows that the shifts within marriages -- men taking on more housework and women earning more outside the home -- have had a positive effect, contributing to lower divorce rates and happier unions."
Cool, huh?
So, tell me -- does your experience back this up? Do you have a blissful marriage where she brings home more bacon? Or not? Not even close -- total opposite? Dish.