Holly sent me this really funny blog called Hot Guys Reading Books to see what I had to say about it. Honestly, I think it’s awesome. First, because this is one of the better combos women have come up with (hot guys on tractors, fire trucks etc.? Way too specific in my opinion).
And second, because I like to be seen reading books. Let’s put it this way: I would way rather be seen reading a book than playing a Game Boy (though, seeing as how I’ve never played a Game Boy in my life, there is pretty much zero risk of this scenario ever happening).
But besides just liking to be seen reading books -- I’ve also given some thought to the type of book I like to be seen reading. Example: right now I’m reading a best seller which for some reason embarrasses me. So when I read on the train, I keep the cover folded back on itself. I guess I don’t feel like the book is unique or literary enough to project the (imaginary) image I’m going for. Cause here’s the deal: I don’t want to be seen as a casual book reader. That’s not enough for me. I am a serious book reader people! Got it?
PS: Obviously, I think a site called Hot Chicks Reading Books would be even more awesome. Tell me -- have you ever been proud or embarrassed to be seen reading whatever you were reading?