Tre Sugar has a hilarious slideshow up about nudity asking people if they’d ever swim naked (duh, yeah), cook naked (ouch and ick, no), or wander around a locker room naked (um, again no -- you're welcome, gym community at large). But the slideshow reminded me of the time my aunt and uncle took me to a nudist colony. Let me preface this by saying Jack has no similar childhood memories. Why? Because his parents were busy trying to be normal and blend in. Meanwhile, my hippie parents were busy making their own yogurt and building us a house out of logs (okay, so it doesn’t sound that weird now, but trust me, at the time, green living was decidedly un-hip).
So, anyway, Jack has no naked badminton stories. I do. I don’t remember the setup, but somehow my aunt and uncle were taking care of me for the day, and voila, I found myself within the confines of a genuine nudist colony. It was everything you’d expect -- and uglier. The old rule holds true: The kind of people who want to be nude are precisely the same people you don’t want to see nude. Two words: naked tennis. Two more words: naked volleyball. Needless to say, I was wildly unpopular at nudist colony -- as I refused to take off my bathing suit for a single second (plus, I’m pretty sure I visibly winced a few too many times).
But what does this have to do with marriage you ask? I’m thinking about my aunt and uncle and what brought them to the nekkid stage in their marriage. Were they looking for new ways to connect as a couple? Were they just hot (which is doubtful since they lived in Canada)? Bored? If not, then what? All I know is that there’s pretty much zero chance that Jack and will ever sit around watching TV naked much less take a nude vacay.