Glo has a post about how Tiffany & Co. just launched a new engagement ring app for the iPhone so wanna-be fiances can design their own dream rings and then (I'm guessing) "accidentally" send it to their dudes via email. Yeah. Subtle. I've always wondered about the whole picking out your own ring thing. Personally, I do not think Jack would have appreciated the input (incidentally, he gave me a family ring that I love). He took his sweet time proposing and would not have been psyched if I had sent him images of rings I liked before he finally popped the Q. I'm pretty sure he would have (fairly) equated it with nagging. But even if he'd been open to it, this iPhone app seems like it could be really problematic. I mean, what if you picked a ring that was completely out of your guy's price range?
How did you guys do it when you got engaged? Did you pick out the ring together, or did he surprise you? Did any of you drop big fat hints like this?