Here’s the deal. I really like Holly’s father and stepmother. I honestly have no trouble getting along with them. For one thing, they both make it clear that they want a relationship with me, which I appreciate. Plus, her dad and I have very similar tastes in reading, which makes for effortless small talk. The main difference between a visit with Holly’s family and a visit with mine is the sibling factor. I don’t have siblings that are close to my age and Holly does. It’s a trip to see how she interacts with her sister who is exactly two years younger. They have crazy flare-up fights that happen instantly and are over just as quickly. Everything will be going totally well and then one sister throws a sideways jab and the other one jumps right in to the mud. But then three seconds later, it’s forgotten. It’s bizarre.
But then, on the flip side, they laugh exactly the same laugh and seem to share secret jokes. They were both in hysterics the other morning because their dad (my father-in-law) has a ponytail right now, which doesn’t bother me at all but drives them both insane with embarrassment. Their dad was walking around the house in this big robe and the girls were saying that he looked like a crazed Amadeus. No one else was really laughing or even paying attention, but they were both dying over their dorky father. So I guess that’s the biggest difference. She and her sister freak me out a little bit when it comes to the bickering, but on the other hand, I find their crazy close connection really charming.
Does your spouse interact with his sibs in a weird (to you) way?