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Spring Cleansing
777Date: Sunday, 24 Oct 2010, 13.55 | Message # 1
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Just look around. Spring's renewal and rebirth are everywhere you turn. Trees are budding, daffodils and tulips are poking up, the animal world is giving birth to its babies. We humans also take advantage of this time of rejuvenation -- we freshen up our homes and, thanks to the food that becomes available during this season, we can "spring clean" our bodies, too.

"I like to think of it as 'spring cleansing,'" says Mary Ryan, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist in Jackson, Wyoming. "After the heavy foods of winter, it makes sense to seek out lighter, fresher foods." It's no coincidence that so many of spring's freshest foods -- those still-sprouting plants just bursting with life -- provide a natural, seasonal detox for the body exactly when we need it most.

Here are few of the power foods Mother Nature provides each spring:

Rhubarb. This large, leafy plant shows up early at farmers markets in many parts of the country (it's the stalks that are edible, and they're always eaten cooked). "In traditional medicinal use, people made spring tonics out of rhubarb because it was rich in nutrients that would have been lacking in their winter diets," says Ryan. The vegetable packs high amounts of vitamin C, potassium and vitamin A. Most of us associate it with strawberry-rhubarb pie, but rhubarb holds its own in crisps, cobblers, chutneys, jams and muffins, too.

Plant protein sources. Leave the heavy meats of winter behind in favor of lighter sources of protein, such as beans and sprouted grains. You can get some fresh beans (like edamame and fava beans) now, or cook dried beans (like lentils or black-eyed peas) and use them to make light spring salads. Sprouted grains -- made from wheat, barley or other sources -- are a nutritious addition to sandwiches and salads. And because the sprouting process breaks down the wall of the grain, they are easier to digest than some whole grains. "And that makes them cleansing after the heavy, harder-to-digest foods of winter," says Ryan.

Asparagus is associated with cleansing as a potent natural diuretic. Eat it at its freshest -- it's in season now, and not for long -- to reap the benefits of a multitude of nutrients, including folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E and K, and minerals potassium and zinc.

Young, leafy greens. Tender lettuces and other leafy greens are one of a farm's first signs of spring. Take advantage of this early harvest by sitting down to a big, nutrient-rich salad. Bitter greens such as dandelion and watercress have long been valued for their detoxifying properties.

Fresh herbs. Many herbs are ready for picking early in the growing season. Better yet, you can grow your own indoors even before spring arrives, and you don't need more space than a windowsill on which to do it. Herbs such as basil, parsley, rosemary, dill, oregano, marjoram and sorrel have been shown to be high in antioxidant compounds and are also anti-inflammatory (which means they may help to prevent heart disease and certain cancers).

Wild mushrooms. Unlike the milky white (and somewhat bland-tasting) button mushrooms found packaged at the supermarket, wild mushrooms foraged in the springtime woods come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and tastes. Delicious wild varieties like morels, boletus and puffballs offer nutrients such as copper, selenium and potassium. Look for them at your local farmers market or natural gourmet grocery.

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