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The Fifth Season: Savoring Late Summer
777Date: Sunday, 24 Oct 2010, 13.50 | Message # 1
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The days are still warm, but mornings and nights are becoming cooler. The light is beginning to change and the air feels gentle. Everything seems dreamy, as if time itself has become infused with the slowness and sweetness of honey.

Welcome to the fifth season: late summer.

In the ancient philosophical system known as Five Element Theory, which forms much of the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, there are not four but five distinct seasons in a year. These correspond with the five elements -- metal, wood, water, fire, earth -- that are the foundation of traditional Chinese healing practices.

Late summer occurs during the few weeks before and after the autumnal equinox, a time when the agricultural cycles in most of the Northern Hemisphere are at their peak and things are literally coming to "fruition." Fruits ripen, vegetables are abundant and grains are ready to harvest. No wonder the element associated with this time is earth, the very source of everything that sustains us.

From yang to yin
Late summer is the time when energetic influences change from yang (the fiery, outward, expansive, active principle) to yin (the cooler, inward, mysterious, quieter principle). As this happens, our bodies naturally begin to slow down, leading to what many people experience as a perplexing drop in energy as the summer begins to wane. Respecting this signal from the body by allowing yourself to rest actually increases the resilience of your immune system, shoring it up in time for the cold and flu season that always arrives with the fall.

Anxiety, tension, mental confusion and trouble with concentration can be signs of imbalance during late summer. Practices that will help clear your thoughts and your emotions include walking slowly (especially in nature), breathing, meditating, restorative yoga and simply taking time to notice and enjoy your surroundings. You might try a simple standing meditation: Feel your feet on the earth and observe your breathing, your thoughts as they come and go, your worries as they come up and fade away.

A naturally sweet season
With so much sweetness abundant in the fruits and vegetables of the fifth season, there is no need to eat sugary or refined foods to satisfy a sweet tooth. The earth element is associated with the digestive system, which literally transforms the food we eat into who we are. Simple meals, prepared with few but fresh ingredients and lightly cooked, are the best way to enjoy the delicious harvest at its apex. Taking time to eat -- actually sitting down and sharing a meal with friends or family -- is a pleasurable and healthy practice in this natural slowing-down period.

Orange and yellow foods are prominent in late summer, and their high beta-carotene content, along with the richness of antioxidant plant pigments called flavonoids, provide a boost to your body's natural immunity. Peaches, melons, pumpkins and summer squashes, carrots, yams, sweet potatoes, apples, peppers, figs, apricots, whole grains (rice, quinoa, millet), corn, tomatoes, plums, honey, hazelnuts, cabbages and chickpeas are just a few of the late summer foods you have to choose from.

Late summer is a time of maturation, when we feel ourselves connected with each other and the earth, experience gratitude for all that we have, and remember our ability to give and receive care and nurturing. The archetype of the "earth mother" is one we can appreciate in this light, realizing that we are all unified in our desire to feel safe, to have enough, to have a sense of home, belonging, purpose and community. By following the rhythm of nature, slowing down and appreciating each other and the earth, and taking time to enjoy life, we become happier and healthier individuals and communities.

Enjoy the sweetness of the season!

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