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Understanding Insulin Resistance
777Date: Sunday, 24 Oct 2010, 13.19 | Message # 1
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Diet-resistant pudge around the middle. Feeling lightheaded after a meal. Serious sugar cravings. Is this body functioning as efficiently as it could, or is a medical condition called insulin resistance tripping up its metabolism?

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is a complex puzzle of cause and effect. Our bodies produce insulin in our pancreas, and insulin figures prominently in how our cells receive their energy supply. Here's how it works: The food we eat is converted into glucose. Our pancreas responds by secreting insulin, which then escorts the glucose into our cells. "Insulin is the key in a lock," says Paul Bergner, C.N., herbalist, and director of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. "Insulin binds to the cell and then the cell opens up its door for nutrients."Insulin resistance happens when the cells no longer open up for efficient absorption of the nutrients. Several variables are at play here. One factor is the consumption of too many sugars and simple carbohydrates. "If we bombard our system with glucose, typically from eating too many refined carbs or high-sugar meals, then insulin needs to be pumped out more often in response to the elevated blood-sugar levels," says David Lerner, a licensed acupuncturist with a specialty in clinical nutrition. When our cells get flooded with too much glucose, and subsequently insulin, they essentially become desensitized and less responsive to the effects of insulin.

There are other variables that affect insulin resistance as well. For example, our bodies need minerals such as chromium in order for insulin to be able to "dock" with cells, says Bergner. And stress over time factors in, too. "When we're under stress, our adrenals produce cortisol, which can cause blood-sugar and insulin levels to increase, and contribute to insulin resistance," says Lerner. Insulin resistance can also trigger surges in cortisol, says Lerner, and elevated levels of insulin and cortisol can cause abdominal obesity.

What are the risks and symptoms?

There are clear signs associated with insulin resistance, but there's also a blood test you can take to help confirm a diagnosis, in case you don't show classic symptoms. An inability to lose your belly fat is one common sign. "Insulin resistance causes weight gain around the middle," says Lerner, though it's possible for a slender person to have insulin resistance too. Weight gain happens because the insulin prevents the fat cells from being burned. "Insulin binds to a fat cell, and as long as it binds, you can't release any fat cells from it. So instead of releasing fat from the fat cell for energy, you get hungry," says Bergner. Other indicators include blood-sugar swings, elevated triglycerides (a type of fat in your blood), fatigue after meals, a waist that measures more than half your total height, and constant cravings for sweets and carbohydrates.

We're just beginning to understand the health effects of insulin resistance, but there appear to be several clear links, as well as suspected links, to serious health concerns, say both Lerner and Bergner. "The major diseases are atherosclerosis, or clogging of the arteries, high blood pressure, cancers such as breast, colon and prostate, and reproductive issues such as polycystic ovarian syndrome," says Bergner. Insulin resistance is also a precursor to type 2 diabetes and may contribute to autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, says Lerner. Bergner adds that there is some thought that insulin resistance may be a co-factor in Alzheimer's as well.

Reversing insulin resistance

Anyone dealing with insulin resistance should check with his or her health care provider before starting a recovery program, but the healing process can happen fast if done right, says Bergner. The first step in the three-part solution to reversing insulin resistance is to refortify your body with the minerals it needs to allow insulin to enter and supply cells with nutrients. "The tissues are starving for certain micronutrients necessary for normal insulin function, so supplement with all the nutrients that support this," says Bergner. Fortify with magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese and B-complex vitamins, he says. Fish oil is essential, too.

The next step is to commit to a resistance-type exercise program in order to create more lean muscle in your body. "The toned muscle is insulin sensitive, and the flabby muscle is insulin resistant," says Bergner. Focus on your upper body, lower body and core muscles with a set of dumbbells. You need only commit to a few minutes per day.

The final key to reversing insulin resistance is to change the way you eat. "You've got to stop eating too many high-glycemic carbohydrates," says Bergner, meaning sugars, refined flours, potatoes, or sugary fruits such as bananas and grapes. "Too many carbohydrates of any kind, even the good kinds that are high in fiber, such as whole grains, can cause insulin resistance." This is because carbohydrates convert more quickly to glucose, which creates an insulin surge. Instead, Lerner says to eat several small meals throughout the day, focusing on lean protein sources, low-glycemic carbs and beneficial fats to maintain a steady supply of blood sugar in your body.

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